Monthly Committee Activity Report

Standing Committee chairs are responsible to see that this report is completed and submitted monthly to the Branch Secretary at least ten days before the monthly Executive Committee meeting. You may complete the form online, or download it for Microsoft Word.

When you have successfully submitted this report, you will see a message in red text that says your form has been submitted, and you will receive an email with a copy of your report. Do not navigate away from this page until you see that confirmation!

Please identify all individuals by name
Please provide an overview of the main points of discussion, including factual information, conclusions drawn, motions and recommendations, or action. Only include what was agreed upon by the majority of the committee.
Identify and make clear any action that needs to be ratified by the Executive Committee and/or general membership. This is the only part of the report that requires a motion for acceptance. Otherwise, after the report is read, no motion is required and the report is received as information only.