Know Your Rights Training: Discrimination in Housing

On Wednesday, April 10 at 7:00 PM, the National NAACP will present a training webinar, “Know Your Rights – Discrimination in Housing.” RSVP is required. This webinar will provide a foundation on what you need to know about fair housing laws, how to navigate discriminatory practices, and how to report them. We will also dive into how specifically young adults are impacted by housing barriers.

The Director of Opportunity, Race and Justice- Keisha Deonarine, NAACP Assistant General Counsel – Martina Tiku and Joseph Schottenfeld, and the NAACP Training and Programs Manager with Youth & College- Amari Fennoy, will jointly lead this session.

To attend, please RSVP here no later than Monday, April 8th.

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Serving western orange county, ny

Founded in 1909 (the same year as the National NAACP), the Middletown Branch works to expand equity and empower Black people and all people of color.

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